Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dress = Power

Today, sitting in my Crit Con lesson I saw the quote "dress is power".
I could not believe how true that is. These days your intellectual capacity is judged on whether you can match your clutch with your shoes! When one walks into a shop and they're dressed like a tramp (regardless of money) or one walks in dressed in some fancy clothes, the tramp will be frowned upon and the more expensive looking person is accepted. Who is to say that these people are not equal in intellect?

We all work hard everyday to help South Africa be racism-free, for everyone to be equal and for there to be an absolute minimum of prejudice... yet we live in such a classist society! The man on the street is still a person, such as the tart in high heels who keeps tripping on the curb *this would be me today*

50 years ago ladies across the globe burned their bras to give people like me the vote. Originally they too were the person on the side of the street who nobody listened to and over time gained the strength and stamina to enforce equality . . . surely this equality should also apply to the man on the street?

We are all so caught up in a world of stereotypes that we walk around with blinkers.... who knows what we are missing out on!

There is an advert for a cigar:

It doesn't argue.
It won't talk back.
And it has no option.
The perfect companion.

Of course this caused HUGE uproar in the feminist movement because of preconceived ideas about women.

But how come we can still have preconceived ideas about the tramps?

1 comment:

  1. Its so true people judge you on gender, your clothes everything... I know myself sometimes to just go into the shops wearing slippers and pajama pants... and I probably do look like a hobo... but the stares I get actually shock me... South African people seem to judge because of the huge split in society... The upper class and the the lower classes, the white and the black... our history does have a lot to do with it... Although I do believe regarding woman, woman in South Africa have come a long way and are sometimes looked up to by men... but ultimately i do think what you wear (as lame as it sounds) categorizes you into some type of stereotype.
